Alas, time waits for no man. While I find myself looking at others my age and thinking that I can’t possibly look that old, chances are they’re probably looking at me and thinking the same thing.
The lines, crevices, nooks, and crannies on our faces may be signs of a life well-lived (they’re called laugh lines for a reason), but you’ll often find yourself judging — and being judged for them.

C’est la vie, it’s simply the world we live in.
We smile, we laugh, we cry, and slowly, as our skin loses its elasticity, those lines of expression become a permanent map of what we’ve been through.

In conversations with friends, I learned that many of my female friends had undergone some kind of minor cosmetic treatment, such as lasers, Botox, or fillers.
I shouldn’t have been surprised by how widely accepted these treatments are in Singapore. As a GP here, I know many of my peers have opened aesthetic clinics.
On the other hand, none of my male friends have tried any treatments. But seeing as most guys dress like poop and know little about self-care, this only made me more curious to find out if there was anything I could do to turn back the clock and stay one step ahead.
I’m on video almost daily, creating content to support my various business channels, so looking decent has always been important to me.

To understand things better, I decided to visit the National Skin Centre, the biggest dermatological centre in Singapore, to learn what it’s all about.

I took their courses, and it was clear that there was no reason guys couldn’t enjoy the benefits of these treatments just as much as the ladies do! It’s just the stigma associated with it that keeps most men from trying it out.

I decided to take the plunge: a bit of Botox to reduce forehead creases and frown lines, as well as BBL (Broadband Light) treatments to remove some of the damn annoying beard hair under my jaw.
But as a doctor myself, who did I think was good enough to do the job??
Now, this post is not sponsored at all — I simply decided to visit a clinic that many friends had tried and tested. I think when it comes to something as important as your face and what everyone sees every day, it makes sense to do some research and find a reputable clinic.
I’d met Dr. Dylan Chau of CeleVenus Wellness & Aesthetic Clinic before at various influencer events, and he seemed like a genuine, decent bloke with clearly a lot of experience, so under the light and needle I went.
Here's me showing off my frown lines:

Even with the numbing cream, I found the Botox injections to the forehead quite uncomfortable, though less so between the eyebrows where my deep-set frown lines were.

Here's me immediately after the injections:

How Was The Broadband Light Therapy?
Again, there was some discomfort but the BBL treatment was over quick enough.
I was given special glasses to wear to protect my eyes and then the zapping began.
You can smell a faint burning flesh smell and it's a little disconcerting that the smell is coming from your own flesh!
The treatment caused some mild itchiness and redness afterwards, but it quickly subsided within two to three days.
While I was advised that you generally need about six to eight rounds of treatment, I found that even with just one session, my neck hairs became significantly less.
I was also worried that my natural brown skin tan might affect the ability of the treatment to remove my hairs but that doesn’t seem to have been the case at all.

As for my forehead lines and frown lines, they significantly reduced over the next 1-2 weeks without completely paralyzing my face — so I can still do my raised eyebrow Dwayne Johnson impression.

You often hear about people getting a permanently shocked look or being completely unable to move their forehead muscles, to show any signs of expression, but thankfully I didn’t experience any of that.

Now, approximately two months after the treatments, the lines are slowly starting to return.
This is a known benefit of Botox: if you don’t like the outcome, you don’t need to worry too much as the effects will wear off.
An interesting fact: Botox appears to wear off, but in fact, the blockade at the neuromuscular junction is permanent. It’s just that there’s axonal sprouting, so you form new neuromuscular junctions to carry the nerve impulses, which gives the appearance of the injections wearing off over time.
So, what’s the bottom line? Am I happy with the results, were there any downsides, and would I do it again?
I did experience some headaches after the treatments, and depending on how observant you are, you might notice new muscles working in an attempt to compensate for the muscles that are no longer active.
I’m definitely happy with the results and would go again!
The results are especially noticeable on videos and photos, so I feel a lot more confident recording impromptu content for social media and going out with friends.
As for the BBL, the results were so good that I’m even contemplating doing my entire face — let’s just say the missus finds me more kissable when I don’t have sharp prickly stubble all over my face.
So, there you have it: there’s no reason this should be a secret just for the ladies.
If you’re getting older, some lines are appearing, and you’re very conscious of it, consider giving it a shot — a Botox shot that is!
Take care friends.
Best wishes,
Dr. Stryker